Llanddwyn Lighthouse


The Llanddwyn Lighthouse is a beautiful structure at the end of a small island that gets cut off with the tide. I strolled across the beach to get there in the evening light to get myself set up and ready for the stars to come out. Whilst waiting, I managed to capture this photo which I am super proud of! The photo itself is a combination of 11 stacked exposures of the sky and one very long exposure of the Lighthouse. Upon leaving this location, I came to the beach crossing to find that it was no longer a beach, and was rather more wet than I remembered… So, it turns out, that walking through the sea, in the pitch black, over a distance of about 110m, up to my belly button, wasn’t my smartest of moves… but I did get back to my tent in reasonable time!

Camera settings, stars and ground respectively:
20s, 284s
f/3.5, f/3.2
ISO-2500, ISO-800
16mm, 16mm

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